Upon reading this article, you will have a clear understanding of how to access and apply present moment awareness. This is a foundational practice that we will carry with us on our 52-week Awakening Journey.
Read MoreYou know how sometimes you have the perfect morning? That was me the other day. Then I left for yoga class.
Read MoreSummertime travel is the perfect time for making family-related goals and visions, and a designed alliance is an invaluable tool in ensuring everyone’s expectations are met and everyone has fun!
Read MoreMost people assume that summer vacation will be a “nice break” from the hustle-and-bustle of life, but with the transitions in our schedules, our kids and our lives it often can become a bit hectic…or a LOT hectic.
Read MoreThis is a time of completion, and also a time of renewal. It’s a time for closure and a time for new beginnings. It’s a time to stretch for what’s possible while shedding memories of the past. It’s also an opportunity to set up a lifelong practice of reflection and prepare for the next big adventure, you and your young adults’ future life.
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