Being in the Now - Week #2 of The Awakening Journey

Hi again, a little bit more context here in the second week of this 52 Weeks of Awakening.

One, we are taking this journey together on this platform, no need to sign up for anything, just check back here every week and follow along, read, watch the videos & try as many of the challenges as you can.

Second, there is no cost associated, I am simply sharing, at a high level some of the tools & tricks I’ve learned along the way. Some might work, and others will fall flat. That is okay. Take what works, leave what doesn’t.

And third, I am so grateful for the support and responses from so many of you. I want to hear more about your experiences as well!

So this week we find ourselves in this unique moment, starting this journey together. You might be asking yourself, as I often did and sometimes still do; do I NEED to go on a journey? How will going on this 52-week journey bring me back to being in the Now? (By the way, when I say being in the now, that means being present.)  How does that even make sense!?  Am I not already in the now? (Also, can I make it 52 weeks?!)

Why go on this journey?

This journey will help orient you back to your inherent nature as a human being. The nature we deviated from in order to evolve into the species we are today. A species that is unique.

This evolution has allowed us to create masterful, beautiful, and amazing innovations. It has enabled us to create advanced societies where we have access to the whole world at the touch of a button. 

And yet -- this complicated world is full of so much unhappiness, pain, divisiveness, and disconnect.   

Why are we longing for connectedness?

We are collectively creating results no one wants in many different ways on this planet.  Just look around, read the news, or visit social media.  Yet, we continue to do the same thing over and over, expecting different results. And those results don’t come. This is because we are out of the present moment - which means we are disconnected.

We are disconnected in the world because we are disconnected from ourselves. We long to connect back to our inherent nature, often subconsciously. Think, for example of how animals are connected to nature. We bring animals back into our lives through zoos, pets in our homes, and even stuffed animals.  

We yearn for what our animals naturally embody; presence. They are always in the Now. We miss this part of ourselves that we gave up and we are yearning to get it back.

Read more about Present Moment Awareness and how to achieve it here.

How to achieve connectedness?

We are all yearning for this connectedness to ourselves and others. And often, connectedness can not be found in isolation. This is why we take journeys together.  

At the end of this journey together, we will gain so much more than either one of us could’ve imagined.  The connection will be even more intimate and allow us to go even deeper into a place that is called the Now but is actually something much more powerful than what that implies.  

What happens in the now, what opens up for you?  

Well, quite a bit happens there, though it may not look like a dance party at first glance. You must look a little deeper and open your senses up. 

It is a greater level of awareness, like dialing in and raising your dimmer switch on your personal light fixture. 

I used to rush from task to task, thinking about what was next, not focusing on what was happening at that moment. I was constantly looking to the future for satisfaction. Sound familiar?

The result was disconnect and anxiety, the exact opposite of what I wanted.

For example, previously when I was typing an email, I was checking the time to make sure I was on schedule. That would have me feeling rushed, questioning the content of whatever I was typing, and actually creating a low level of anxiety.  This delayed my production and undermined my confidence.  

As I began practicing being in the Now, I focused on the task at hand and ended up creating something more purposeful.  

When I type an email now, I try to just notice how my fingers feel on the keyboard. The satisfaction of watching my words appear on the screen. Breathing. 

Focusing on what is happening at this very moment for the sake of how good it feels to just appreciate whatever is unfolding, right now

Now, whatever I am creating is so much more resonant, authentic, and creates a more profound impact. 

What can you expect by practicing this?

I have worked with people who have been trying to get out of a marriage for decades, finish a book, find love, build a stable income, find their purpose, and reach all these goals within months once they are committed to the challenge of being in the Now!  

So in reality, this is a question that you need to ask yourself: What do I want to get from being in the now? ...That is something you’re going to define and claim right now.

Here is your homework challenge

I want you to take a deep breath and imagine that you live in a fantasy world. In this world, anything is possible.  

Really allow yourself to unearth your secret dream. 

Get it out of you, and capture it by writing it down. 

This secret desire will manifest itself in the next year as you embark on this journey, this Awakening Journey we have embarked on together. 

Next week we will talk about Doing and Being - How to Thread The Needle of Life!

Until then remember, the present moment is where your best life happens!

With love and gratitude,