Give Fear The Middle Finger And Take The Leap

I recently had lunch with a friend and she asked: “I’ve been working on myself a long time, when will this process ever end?” I said to her: “When your life ends.” It’s the evolution of our consciousness. We are constantly evolving our collective. It doesn’t end. The intensity of our inner work ebbs and flows but it doesn’t ever really end. It evolves. 

Relax and give yourself a break 

And how would it be if we did stop working on ourselves? Honestly, to my mind, it sounds like a good idea. And many of us would love to check that box off. 

Yet, we would be bored if we were all complete and had no motivation to be challenged to grow. It also smells like stagnation to me!

And speaking of boring, here is something that is anything but…

You’ve done the work.  - You’ve faced your fears, you’ve done some processing.

You let in the light.  - You connected to your future self and are taking action to be him/her.

Now, it’s time to take the leap!

A Critical Step We Often Overlook

In the lunch meeting I mentioned above, I shared with my friend a step we don’t talk about enough and that is often overlooked. It’s a critical step in how we evolve:

Risk Taking or Jumping off the cliff - metaphorically of course. 

We human beings are comfort creatures. We have taken steps as a species to make ourselves as content and comfortable as we can. This inertia is having an impact. We aren’t pushed outside our comfort zone as much. So we don’t have the same level of resilience and grit. 

Sure, on some levels of course you do. Yet, as a species, we have learned to fear taking risks because we might fall. We might get hurt. We MIGHT get sick.

And I will tell you just what I said to my friend. The weight of jumping off the cliff is equal to that of doing the work and letting in the light combined. 


And the inertia you create will support you in flying. To the stars, to the light, or to the location of your dreams.

Taking the leap or jumping off the cliff should feel both scary and exhilarating. So when you consider what that looks like, remember it should be a big stretch. 

What Jumping Off The Cliff Could Look Like

  • Switching careers and maybe quitting your job

  • Buying that car

  • Taking that extended vacation

  • Letting your kid do the thing you are afraid of but their heart is yearning for

  • Moving to another state or country

  • Telling your boss to stuff it


Doing the inner work is wonderful and fantastic. And, as I said to my friend, this is a 3 step level up. Do the work. Let in the light. Jump off the cliff. And repeat.

What cliff jumping will do for you is give fear the middle finger, it will also move you forward on your journey light years ahead. In a different, perhaps more efficient way than going deep and processing. 

It’s NOT one or the other. It’s both. A Yes, and….

Here is Your Challenge

Pick anything you have an excuse or a justification for.  

Do it.