Set Your Anger Free and Use It For Your 5D Awakening

Anger is a powerful and often misunderstood emotion. For many, it is seen as a negative force that needs to be controlled and tamed or ignored and locked away. But anger can be a powerful ally on your spiritual path. When used in the right way, it can help you break through your blocks and uncover your true potential. In this blog post, we will explore how to set your anger free and use it for your 5D awakening.

Beware of The Spiritual Bypass

Do you think you are so evolved that you rarely get triggered? People driving like crazy during the holidays doesn’t impact you and you smile when someone takes your parking space. 

I’m smiling as I write this because the simple truth is we are human and we all still have human feelings. We occasionally can get provoked and feel angry though we may be less inclined to either be aware of, admit it, or do anything about it. 

Or.. we may do an insidious spiritual bypass like many of my clients (and I) do. When an unpleasant experience happens, instead of addressing it, going into the feelings, and going through it, you attempt to go around it. 

For example, you might be bothered by your co-worker taking all the credit for the project you just completed together. Instead of allowing yourself to feel anger, hurt, or betrayal, instead, you might say “well, I’m just going to be the better person here and rise above this”. 

This often isn’t a rising above at all. It is an attempt to do a spiritual bypass, going around the issue in order to be perceived by yourself or others as spiritual or to convince yourself the issue is resolved. This can often make the issue worse.

In translation, your ego is going to strengthen by making up a story it is better than others. And in the above example of your co-worker taking the credit, the deeper underlying issue of betrayal will continue on inside you, unaddressed. 

Read on to learn how to use your anger to open the doorway to 5D just a little wider and walk through it utilizing anger as a key. 

We Are Never Angry About What We Think We Are

Someone repeated this line to me recently and asked about how it relates to using your anger as a tool.

He was confused and thought that because we aren’t really angry about the thing we think we are, then our anger is somehow invalid or wrong, or bad. Or should the anger just be spiritually transcended?  

This isn’t the case at all, in fact, anger is a signpost

When you realize that you aren’t angry about what you think you are angry about, you can bring awareness to the fact that this is a signpost to look deeper.

You see, when we get angry in that moment, it is because something is stuck inside of us that wants to be released. This annoying situation is a sign pointing you to something you need to be free of. After a while, if we ignore the signs of what we want to be free of, we start to trap ourselves.

Trapped in The Cage of Our Anger

After some time of being in the trap, you can feel caged. When we are in the cage of our own making, we are either pretending we aren’t angry or we are focused on thinking our anger is about what is happening right now instead of where the anger is really coming from, something in our past. For example, your kids are yelling and fighting, and yet your anger is really about… maybe a fight you had with your own siblings in the past. Or, you feel overwhelmed when they yell so it’s an indication of a past situation where you were angry about yourself for feeling overwhelmed. 

By not letting the anger out from current or past situations, the cage strengthens and we are never really free to grow, expand, be heard, and achieve at our highest level.

My Story

A person in my life did something that bothered me greatly. I didn’t like the feelings that were created when I thought about what he did “to me”. I felt angry with him and other feelings I didn’t want to feel.  

I wanted to spiritually bypass by immediately forgiving and forgetting because honestly, that is the way I was programmed in my upbringing. 

Instead, I let myself feel the feelings and ask myself some deeper questions. I made a list of what I am actually angry about now and didn’t censor it. This illuminated something for me:

I got clear that I am both a little angry at the situation right Now. And there is something in my past. And, as I created and executed the following exercise, I realized there is quite a bit more I’m angry about that I never voiced. 

So It’s a Yes and…

I am angry about what my friend did AND I am angry about a situation that happened a long time ago. By linking these two in the now, I was able to release them both and be free of them forever in a fun exercise I’m sharing with you below.

How to Set Yourself Free of Anger

First, I had a mirroring exercise that got me clear about what I am angry about in the present. 

Second, I sat down and wrote on some old plates what I was angry about. I.e. I am angry with Bob because he lied/is lying to me and I feel betrayed.

Third, I set up a safe location to read aloud each of my declarations of anger and smashed the heck out of those plates that had the angry messages on them!


Release some of your anger this week.

Use my anger ceremony above or create your own anger ceremony.

Hit a heavy bag or a pillow with a baseball bat or you can scream into the pillow everything you are angry about. 

Darla Beam