Surrounding Yourself with People that Make Your Light Stronger

Last weekend, I had the incredible opportunity to attend a retreat in Ashland Oregon. While the retreat was interesting, the atmosphere I physically stayed in was transformative, characterized by a unique vibrational frequency and mindset. Being surrounded by such inspiring people and leaders served as a powerful reminder of the profound impact the humans in our environment have on us.

What Exactly Does This Mean?

Typically, I manage to steer clear of fear and anxiety, emotions that once dominated my life. However, in my usual surroundings, I occasionally find myself slipping back into old patterns. During my time in Oregon, I experienced a profound shift. The unfolding events of the world no longer affected me.

I felt a deep clarity about the larger arc of life and was grounded in a universal truth:

Everything will be okay. I will be okay. The world is okay.

Embracing the “isness” of what unfolds allowed me to see it as a teacher. This doesn’t mean I didn’t experience feelings, even when the retreat didn’t turn out the way it was advertised or the way I “expected” it to. But I no longer allow those expectations, outcomes or the events of the world to dictate my state of being. Instead, I accept and embrace them. I cared and took action, but it was inspired action, aligned with a higher vibrational frequency.

How to Apply This to Your Life

I encourage you to take a break from your routine, whether it’s a vacation, a retreat, or simply a camping trip in nature. Step away from your usual environment and the people in it, unplug from technology, and forge new connections.

Consider these questions:

  • Are the people around me challenging me and raising my vibrational frequency?

  • Are they supporting the vision I have for my life?

  • Do I feel closer to finding answers to my most important questions, or do I feel further away?

Because as your vibrational frequency shifts, so do your perspective and reality.

How to Recreate This Experience at Home

If traveling isn’t an option, look for ways to change your environment locally. Join a book club, take a pottery class, find a special interest group, or create one yourself. The key is to immerse yourself in different environments that foster positive energy. You can cultivate the energy you desire, whether on vacation, at a retreat, or at home.

The foundation, the most important element, is who we are with ourselves and with others. Recognize that our impact is immediate and significant. Surround yourself with those who amplify your light and watch how your world transforms.

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