Reinventing Yourself: How to Create Yourself - Every Day

Many clients come to me, eyes wide with worry, doubting themselves, and second-guessing their “progress.” They say “I’ve done so much work, but here I am back again,” or my personal favorite, “Why does this keep happening to me?” They’re hard on themselves. And to be honest, I’ve been there myself. The truth is, the journey to our higher self (future self, best version of ourselves, or whatever you want to call it) is not some straight, easy-to-follow path.

Of course, we all get discouraged. We have doubts. We question whether we’ve accidentally stepped on life’s equivalent of a hamster wheel. But here’s the thing: our primary job is to keep creating ourselves and our purpose every single day, regardless of what kind of day it is. Even when it feels like life’s throwing us the same curveballs over and over, and we’re left thinking, “Haven’t I gone through this already?”

At its core, it’s a calling to you: To recreate yourself every day.

From Insufficiency to Abundance

Have you ever heard someone shrug and say, “It is what it is”? I practically grew up with that phrase. But now, I know—that’s victim language. It’s resignation with a capital “R.” It’s throwing in the towel, and I’m here to tell you it’s not what it is. Your life is not “what it is.”

And by the way, this is completely different from the as-isness. Embracing the isness of life is like tuning into the cosmic Wi-Fi; it’s aligning with the oneness of the universe. From that place, creation happens. Because sitting in there is inspiration, courage, love, joy, and peace. 

You get to decide who you are being, and who you are becoming in every single moment. It’s like choosing a new adventure each day—who’s the protagonist of your story today? It means shifting from insufficiency to abundance. This is THE thing, my friend. 

Life isn’t about coasting; it’s about inventing, creating, and reinventing ourselves.

How exactly do you do that?

You commit to recreating/reinventing yourself. 

You change the picture you are holding in your mind. 

Then, you intentionally change the thoughts you think. 

You change your actions. 

Then your emotions will shift. 

You challenge your beliefs. Yes, that means shaking the tree and seeing what outdated notions fall out. 

You start feeling the pain of whatever it is that’s lying underneath. 

And then, you shift your beliefs—because why hold onto something that’s past its expiration date?


There is No Final Destination

So, the next time you find yourself questioning your progress, remember that this journey isn’t about reaching a final destination—it’s about continuously evolving. Every challenge, every doubt, is like a cosmic nudge saying, “Go deeper.” So ask yourself: What version of you is waiting to be brought to life today? The answer might just surprise you.