The Transformative Power of the People Around You

They say, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." While this statement may seem simplistic, it holds a profound truth. The people we choose to surround ourselves with influence everything: our thoughts, emotions, and ultimately, the trajectory of our lives. This isn't just about selecting a supportive inner circle; it's about understanding how the energy, attitudes, and values of those around us shape who we are and who we can become.

A Personal Story

When I separated from my husband, the reactions I received from those around me were surprising. I expected to lean on others for support, but instead, I sometimes found myself in the peculiar position of comforting them. More than one grown man got emotional as I shared my news, leaving me to feel as though I needed to take care of them, even though I was the one navigating the pain of uncoupling. It was in these moments that I realized the importance of getting clear about what I needed from my loved ones—and just as importantly, it sparked a deeper awakening about the significance of the people we surround ourselves with.

Reflecting on my marriage, I recognized that something essential had been missing—a sense of inspiration and genuine connection that I found when I started spending time with people who made my heart sing. It became clear to me that the company we keep can either elevate us to new heights or anchor us in places that no longer serve us. Being with inspired people—those who see, hear, and uplift you—can profoundly transform your life.

The People in Your Life

You probably have people in your life who you care about deeply, perhaps because you've shared history, whether as high school friends or longtime coworkers. These relationships may be comfortable, even cherished, but do they light you up? Do they inspire you?

This isn't about cutting ties or abandoning relationships. Instead, it's about bringing awareness to your connections and understanding where you feel most alive. Some relationships may not inspire you, but they still hold value. The key is to discern which connections ignite your passion and which ones merely maintain the status quo - and likely, will never evolve.

Create People and Love Them into Existence

Every single day presents an opportunity to reinvent yourself—to create a version of yourself that is more aligned with your true desires and aspirations. An essential part of this journey is recognizing that we are, in a sense, co-creating the people around us. And their energy and intentions shape who we are and who we are becoming.

Imagine this as a cycle of energy: you feed into others, and they feed into you. When this cycle is uninterrupted (the energy flows), you thrive, shine, and become the best version of yourself. But if the cycle is disrupted—perhaps by relationships that drain you or fail to inspire—you may find yourself stuck, holding back and just getting by rather than flourishing.

It’s like driving your car with just enough gas to get around the block. Sure, you’re moving, but you’re not going anywhere new. Now, imagine filling your tank to the brim - suddenly, the possibilities are endless. You can go anywhere, and achieve anything. That’s the power of surrounding yourself with the right people.

How to Make a Conscious Shift

Making a conscious shift in the people you surround yourself with starts with awareness and intention. Seek out relationships that challenge you, inspire you, and fill you with energy. Whether in friendships, partnerships, or working relationships, the right people will help you feel connected, empowered, and unstoppable.

This doesn’t mean abandoning all your current relationships but rather creating space for new connections that align with your highest self or intentionally growing and shifting those that you already have. It’s about nurturing those bonds that fuel your spirit and allowing yourself to evolve with those who support your growth.

The power of the people you surround yourself with lies in their ability to either hold you back or propel you forward. Choose wisely, your relationships are the foundation of who you are becoming.

Elevate Your Being, Empower Your Doing

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