What Are You Filling Your Cup With?

What you feed your mind, body, and spirit directly impacts your energy, mood, and overall well-being. It's like filling a cup. If we fill it with negative thoughts, rumination, or toxic influences, there's no room for anything else. This blog post explores the concept of the transformative power of conscious consumption and the importance of emptying your cup before replacing it with high-vibrational experiences.

The Subconscious Mind

Picture this: After a long day of work, you decide to watch a lighthearted movie to unwind. Sounds fine, right? But the next morning, you wake up feeling drained and unmotivated. So, what exactly happened here? Chances are high that your metaphorical cup was already full and you just ended up overwhelmed because the subconscious mind doesn't know what is reality and what is imagination. It just keeps layering experiences and feelings on top of what is already there.

What else could you have done? Journal? Meditate? Read? It’s important to liberate yourself from waste to make space, especially before bed, when your subconscious is most impressionable. The choices you make during that time can significantly impact your mood and mindset the next day.

Empty, Then Fill Your Cup

One of the most important practices I encourage with my clients is first to empty their metaphorical cup. Imagine your cup is already full—full of stress, negative thoughts, drama, violent images, toxic relationships, bad content, and unhealthy habits. How can you add anything new if there’s no room left?

The first step is to recognize what’s filling your cup that doesn’t serve you. Then, start the process of emptying it. Once your cup is empty, you can begin to fill it with things that truly uplift you—activities, experiences, and thoughts that are in harmony with your higher self. These are the things that resonate with a high vibrational frequency: love, opportunity, flow, and creativity. They are the experiences that encourage your mind to enter a state of high alpha brain waves, where you can access deeper levels of consciousness and creativity.

When you fill your cup with these things, you're transforming to the next level of consciousness. 

Everything you put into your body is either shifting you into who you want to be (your higher self) or keeping you in the past.

Practice: The Art of Conscious Filling

So, how do you know when your cup is full of things that don’t serve you? The signs are often there—feeling overwhelmed, fatigue, lack of motivation, and a sense of being stuck. These are cues that it’s time to reassess and empty your cup.

Begin by calling out the things that are not contributing to your higher self. This could be a toxic relationship, a habit of doom-scrolling through negative news, or even consuming entertainment that doesn’t add value to your life. Once you identify these elements, make a conscious choice to let them go.

Then, start to rewire your consciousness by filling your cup with positive, high-frequency content and experiences. Surround yourself with people who inspire you, engage in activities that bring you joy, and consume content that nourishes your soul. The more you practice this, the more natural it will become to choose what serves your higher self, transforming your life in the process.

And always remember, you are the guardian of your cup!