Running on Empty? How to Recharge Your Energy and Live a Life Fully Charged

Life throws a lot at us, and sometimes it feels like our energy reserves keep dwindling. Whether it's the constant ping of technology, the demands of daily life, or the emotional rollercoaster of major events, there's always something trying to drain our battery. But just like our phones need to be plugged in to recharge, so do we! This blog post is all about recognizing the signs you need a break, discovering different ways to recharge, and understanding how your needs can change. Let's dive in and learn how to create a life that's not just about doing and surviving, but being centered and thriving!

We get exhausted by different things

During the retreat last month, Eckhart Tolle admitted that he caught himself reaching for his iPad to check for the weather when he was waking up one morning instead of looking out of the window. This story reminds us that we are all human, and even the most important spiritual teachers catch themselves falling into energy traps.

But there are more things than technology that can drain us:

  • Loud things for example. At the baseball game the other day, I had to take 5 minutes and go outside to a little courtyard to unplug from all the noise and to recenter.

  • Work if it doesn’t feel purpose-driven can drain us. 

  • Daily life, taking care of kids or older family members can be exhausting.

  • Social commitments.

  • Or just being distracted by notifications, the news, or TV.

Million things in our daily lives can put a strain on our energy levels. And they are all subjective. Some people love being in noisy, crowded environments, it inspires them and fuels them with energy while others prefer to be in nature, far away from huge crowds.

It’s important to know yourself and know what you need to feel your best.

Signposts that you need a time-out

Feeling like you need a break? Your body and mind are trying to tell you something! Here are some signs to watch out for: 

  1. You are feeling tired all the time, getting headaches more often, or tensing up a bit much.

  2. You're finding it hard to focus, forgetting things or feeling generally overwhelmed.

  3. Your emotions are giving you clues - you are feeling down, pulling away from people, or getting frustrated more easily. 

We need to recharge in different ways

Recharging isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Everyone has different preferences and what works for one person might not work for another. Daily mini-vacations are like little pick-me-ups throughout the day to keep your energy levels up. Traditional vacations, on the other hand, allow for deeper restoration and a chance to truly reset. The thing is they are both equally important. 

Daily Vacations

Even the busiest days have pockets of time waiting to be filled with rejuvenation. Here are some ideas for incorporating daily vacations into your routine, little moments to steal yourself away and recharge your batteries:

  • Take a moment to check in with your body. Inner body awareness is so important. Do a body scan. What is my body telling me?

  • Check-in with your wounded child, your inner child. Listen and ask questions. What has been bothering you? What do you need to reset?

  • Get out into nature. Take off your shoes and walk on the lawn or in the sand.

  • Watch the sunrise or sunset.

  • Read a good book in your favorite spot.

  • Have dinner at an amazing restaurant, even if it’s a weekday and not a special occasion.

  • Say no, to a social commitment you don’t feel like attending, even if you don’t have a good excuse. 

Block out time in your calendar for those daily mini-vacations. I know this might sound silly but to have this fixed time and protect it is a game-changer, at least it has been for me.

Traditional Vacations

Have you ever heard someone say “I need a vacation from my vacation”? Well, that’s what we all want to avoid. 

  • First, try to disconnect from technology, work, and media. The world is not going to end if you do not answer this call or email.

  • Remind yourself that you are not going on vacation to do more “doing”.

  • When planning your vacation, give yourself a day of rest when you arrive and then schedule an activity for the next day. Create a container to recharge not to be busy.

  • Plan recharge experiences. Those can be walks on the beach, reading a book in a hammock, or just enjoying a spectacular view. 

  • Even on the plane, there are possibilities to recharge. Put on your noise-canceling headphones and listen to relaxing music or a guided meditation. Let your mind drift away.

  • Remember you are doing this for yourself, not to please anyone or fulfill anyone's standard of what a great vacation should look like.

When you get back, you’ll bring back a different energy. More creative, more productive, and more aligned with all the parts of yourself.

What you need can change

Our energy needs are like the weather – constantly changing! They shift throughout our lives just like we do. Think about it: a young child needs tons of energy to keep up with all that growing and exploring, while someone in a demanding career might need time to refocus and reconnect with their authentic self. And as we age, our bodies naturally crave more rest and recovery time. But that's not all! 

Big life events can also throw our recharge needs into a whirl. Maybe you're dealing with a loss in the family, going through a divorce, or welcoming a new little one into the world. All of these experiences, challenging or wonderful, can zap our energy in different ways. The key is to be mindful of these shifts, listen to yourself, and create your life intentionally.