Is the Universe Laughing at Your Indecision? Here's Why You Should Care

Have you ever felt paralyzed by indecision, feeling your anxiety grow stronger? Like the universe is holding its breath, waiting for you to make a move? We've all been there. We're bombarded with options, each path promising a different adventure, but the fear of choosing wrong keeps us stuck in indecision. This internal struggle isn't just frustrating, it can also hold us back from living a fulfilling life. Here's the truth: the universe doesn't respond to indecision. It thrives on clarity, commitment, and decisive action that propels us forward on our unique journeys.

In this post, we'll explore the connection between indecision and anxiety. More importantly, we'll discover the power of aligning with your deepest desires and the incredible support the universe offers when you commit to your path.

Get ready to shed the anxiety of indecision and embrace the adventure that awaits! Let's dive in…

Beyond The Dark Hallway - A Personal Story

Remember those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books? I devoured them as a kid. If you don’t know them, they are a series of children's books where the reader assumes the role of the protagonist and makes choices that determine the main character's actions and the plot's outcome. Facing a branching path in the story, the excitement would course through me. Should I head down the dark, cobwebbed hallway or enter the bright kitchen for a snack? Every choice felt momentous.

But here's the thing: I also drove myself crazy. I'd meticulously flip back and forth, reading each path's outcome – facing a spooky encounter in the hallway or finding the cookie jar mysteriously empty in the kitchen. Sure, I got to experience every twist and turn, but the constant back-and-forth left me anxious and exhausted. It felt like I was playing the whole story on fast forward, never truly savoring the journey. And in the end, all the paths led to the same outcome in the story.

Looking back, it's clear I was letting my logical mind take the wheel, trying to avoid danger or obstacles, when unconsciously I was avoiding the adventure. It mirrored a pattern in my own life – I'd get stuck overanalyzing decisions, afraid to commit for fear of picking the "wrong" path. Little did I realize, the universe doesn't play by those rules. It thrives on action, not hesitation.

Important Learning Points

  1. The bright kitchen is not always bright. Bad things can happen in the bright kitchen. What looks like the safe path, our comfort zone, doesn’t always guarantee happiness or a life free of challenges.

  2. The dark path is not really that scary. There is light at the end of the seemingly dark path, and there is a lot of learning to be gained from getting through, and finding the courage to do so brings confidence!

  3. What we focus on is what we create more of. We don’t want to feel bad feelings, we don't want to be afraid, so we become undecided. We give ourselves anxiety and the universe gives us more of that: “Oh, you like anxiety, you like not knowing what to do, let me give you more opportunity for that.” When we feel undecided, we create anxiety for ourselves. And the universe responds by giving us more decisions, and more anxiety.

  4. You need to choose your own adventure. If we all chose the same path - getting a degree, working hard, making money, working until we retire, and enjoying life until we are old - we create anxiety for ourselves because there is no one-size-fits-all path. We need to find our own unique journey and create our own stories. 

My recommendation to you, be present with the path you choose. Stop ruminating. Align with your subconsciousness, your most authentic self. If you open yourself up and commit to YOUR adventure the universe will give you what you need. 

What will happen once you commit to your path?

  • Your consciousness will evolve.

  • Stress levels will go down and joy levels up

  • Connections will become higher and stronger.

  • The universe will conspire to support you.

  • You will be more aligned with your most authentic self.

Remember, there's no "wrong" path. All choices, even the seemingly scary ones, hold valuable lessons and propel you forward on your unique journey.

Your Practice For This Week

Take a moment to get present and identify a decision you've been putting off. Is it a career change, a creative pursuit, or simply trying a new recipe? 

Whatever it is, commit to taking one small step forward today.

Trust yourself, trust the universe, and get ready to be amazed by the adventure that unfolds.