What Are You Afraid to Receive?

At the beginning of 2020, after I uncoupled from my two-decade partner, I spent time rebuilding myself. I created a strong container to heal and be in integrity and alignment with the truth of who I am. This was powerful and important in so many ways. And yet, for some reason, I was still blocked in one area: personal prosperity. I was programmed to give and closed off and shut down from receiving abundance in several aspects of my life. 

Michael Singer says “stop closing”. But I found that it was not that simple. Yet, at the same time, it can be once we bring awareness to it. 

If You Cannot Receive, You Cannot Fully Give

The truth is, when you are closed off to receiving, you cannot give all of yourself because a part of you isn’t open. 

And it’s important to bring awareness to the fact that being closed off from receiving is part of the racket you hold against yourself. Often rooted in thinking ‘I’m not good enough’, is the false thought that you are not worthy of receiving - and wise versa.

For example, during the holiday season, we are expected to give. But what about receiving? Are we selfish if we expect to receive? And how, by receiving, can we give even more?

My Personal Story

As I mentioned earlier, I thought I wanted to give everything I have and that I am. All my gifts. I didn’t think it was important to receive. My background and upbringing, society, and religious beliefs growing up were such that you are trained to give selflessly and that’s it. 

I don’t recall a time when there was any discussion of receiving and its importance. Our belief was it is important to focus on giving and anything outside of that is selfish. And, for a natural giver, this hammered the message home so that even if there was discussion of receiving, I did not receive it. 

Many of you who are on the growth path may be able to relate to this. Giving is a wonderful way to be in the world, but we are not whole without receiving. 

In fact, there is a detriment to giving. Sometimes we can give until there isn’t anything left. We aren’t able to give anymore - even to the point of not having the capacity to receive. And without the capacity to receive, how do we fill back up?

The Connection Between Giving and Receiving

Giving is receiving because they have the same vibrational frequency. Receiving is giving because when you can truly receive, you expand and your gifts are further intensified and spread. 

An example of this is being closed off from receiving money or achieving wealth. In reality, money/wealth is energy passed along and energy needs to flow.

In my own life, once I just opened up and allowed myself to receive, ironically I was able to give more…  And others around me were able to receive me, and my gifts and they as well felt empowered. 

Here is Your Challenge

  1. Journal about what you have been closing yourself off from receiving. 

  • What have you been closing yourself off from?

  • What do you really want to receive?

2. Make a personal internal commitment to be open to receiving. Write down your commitment and read it every morning when you wake up.

And always remember, receiving is a way to give!