Money: Limitless Energy For Positive Change

Money is a powerful source of energy and can be used to create positive change in our lives. Unfortunately, money can also become an obstacle if we don’t understand how to use it wisely. Many experts have written books about money management, but two specific books have deeply impacted me: Victor Boc's "How to Solve All Your Money Problems Forever" and Ken Honda's "Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money". In this blog post, we'll explore these two books and learn how money can be an incredible energy source that can support you in your 5d awakening journey.

How to Solve All Your Money Problems Forever

Victor Boc's book "How to Solve All Your Money Problems Forever" offers a unique approach to money. Written in an accessible and inspiring tone, he encourages readers to view money as an energy source that can be used for positive change. Through practical advice and real-world examples, Victor shows how money can be used to improve relationships, health, and career goals. He also offers tips on overcoming underearning so that money can work for you instead of against you. 

The Power of Affirmations

Affirmations can be a powerful tool for money goals and personal growth in general. When you state affirmations out loud or write them down, the words become part of your subconscious and can help shape your money-related behavior. By regularly repeating money affirmations, you can see a shift in your money mindset and manifest money into your life.

One common misconception about affirmations is that they are a “magic bullet” that will automatically make money flow into your life without effort. While money affirmations can be helpful in reframing your money mindset and helping you to manifest money into your life, it is important to remember that money affirmations alone cannot produce tangible results.

I was first recommended this book by Steve Hardison and as he “created it” into the space, I felt a deep level of commitment rising within me. I’m not going to say my finances shifted because that would be an understatement. What really shifted for me was that I became aware that money is just energy. And like with all energy, what I focus on, I create more of. 

And that has certainly been true since I read this book and followed the simple instructions. Now, it hasn’t been an overnight snake oil, however, I don’t know that anything sustainable is.

Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money

Ken Honda's book "Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money" is a great resource for anyone looking to get a better understanding of money and how to use it as an energy source. This book has been praised for its insightful advice on money management and for helping readers overcome a scarcity mindset.

All too often, money can be an intimidating source of fear, stress, and even anger; it has the capacity to disrupt relationships and destroy lives. Money is almost more than a number or a mere piece of paper; it has the capacity to influence our emotions and behaviors. When money is given with sincere appreciation, its energy transforms us as well as those around us in remarkable ways. It can bring both joy and sorrow depending on how it's used - which illuminates just how powerful an instrument money really is!

Ken Honda has reaffirmed what I know to be true and has been evolving for me for some time.  Gratitude for the flow of money both inward and outward “Arigato”. Simply expressing my appreciation when I pay my property taxes or while spending money anywhere has opened up how I relate to anything I spend money on.

One other aha is that “happy money” inspires me to integrate my intention of playing into money and the mental and emotional freedom that this entails. What a rush. When I play with it much like a child with a toy, spending it all on candy, I too can just be in the joy and play of money and its dance in and out of my life.  …

This may sound risky to some, but it has nothing to do with being careless with money… It is all about embracing both sides of the money energy flow. The spending and the receiving.

Your Money-Energy Mindset Challenge

  1. Become aware and reframe your money beliefs and attitudes. Understand that money can be used as an energy source to create positive change in your life and those around you.

  2. Focus on its limitless potential instead of any negative connotations it may have.

  3. Read books, listen to podcasts or attend seminars about money so you can learn how to make the most out of its energy.

  4. Each morning repeat your personal affirmations related to money. This will help reprogramme your negative thoughts into something more constructive which enables you to manifest money more easily into your life. 

  5. Use money with sincere appreciation and intention so you can reap the full benefits of its potential. Give and receive with abundance. Remember energy needs to flow!

The Takeaway

Money is a powerful tool that we can use to make beneficial transformations in our own lives and the lives of those around us. It all starts with understanding money for what it really is – a powerful energy source. By focusing on its limitless potential instead of any negative connotations associated with money, we can start reprogramming our mindsets toward abundance, growth and the deepest form of awakening - 5D awakening. We all have the power to unlock money-energy mindset shifts through affirmations and intention-setting each morning and each day of our lives.