Fill The Void - Let In The Light

We’ve been talking about letting out, processing anger and healing. Now that you are empty, what do you do? Do you wait to fill that empty space with more anxiety and anger that our world is abundant or do you let in the light? 

What does this mean?

What we are talking about here on the transactional level is what most of us were taught, simply replacing those old stories and beliefs with new ones. For example, you felt scarcity as a child in your family, so you have gotten in touch with your anger or fear around “having enough” . On the transactional level, that means, you have a new story that there is enough for everyone and you have and are creating everything you need.

On the transformational level, what I am saying is you become enough. You let in the light and become the living embodiment of abundance and prosperity. Your inner light, your core being, shines so brightly that you are a magnet to draw in money, business, your ideal significant other or anything else you desire. 

How do you let in the light?

First, you get in touch with your being. Usually, it’s covered up by garbage. 

So you take out the garbage. 

You let in the light in various ways - 

  • During this season, you can definitely GIVE.

  • You can use your internal gifts. 

  • You trust and believe, let the universe have your back.

  • You take risks.

  • You support others in the very struggles you are having.  

Simple but not easy

Maybe this sounds simple, perhaps not. I’m inviting you to not think too much about this with your thinking mind and instead, trust and try it.

When you are filled with light, your life expands. 


Reflect on what your gifts are.

Contribute with your internal gifts this month and intend to bring in light with these gifts.

Reflect on how this intention combined with action created more light in your life.