Step into The Deep Unknown

We’ve been talking about you being exactly where you need to be. And holding that in one hand while at the same time, doing an exploration of the other hand. It’s time to step into the deep unknown and uncover the next level of your own hero/heroine’s journey. Maybe you’ve never considered your journey in the bigger arc of your life.

The Bigger Arc of Your Life

It’s like looking at a rainbow with all the shades as vibrant as can be and it starts when your life starts and moves off into the distance, into the unknown. Some people feel there is a pot of gold at the end but I’m here to say the gold comes along the way as long as you are stepping into the deep unknown. 

When you zoom out and look at your life in terms of a big arc, you get a different perspective. You can see meaning & patterns and look for places where you want to tweak things. 

And you can reframe and reclaim your journey.. Or perhaps you have and it’s time to rethink it and put it in a new context or it’s gotten lost along the way, now is the time to reimagine and recreate it! 

The Practical Aspects of Your Journey 

This sounds really esoteric. But it’s actually quite practical.

The bottom line is when you level up by getting clarity or repurposing yourself on your life journey, your ride is smooth, easy & efficient. Kinda like when you get a tune-up on your car and align your wheels. Your car rides better, longer, and has better gas mileage and if the oil gets changed, it doesn’t blow up.

I owned a vehicle for many years and I forgot to (didn’t know I had to) align my wheels. I blew through four tires on the back passenger side before I figured it out! Lack of wheel alignments and tune ups in our car lead to costly and sometimes dangerous results.

Tuning your car is like tuning and attuning yourself to your journey. You need a tune-up, we all do. 

How do I give my life journey a tune-up?

I encourage you to spend some time writing - yes I say this often because humans are visual creatures dating back to cave drawings to document, make sense of, and organize our brains. And it works!

This Tune Up writing could be done with colored pencils, whiteboard markers (my favorite), or on a tech drawing pad -- though I would caution to turning off all notifications. 

I often will first block time to meditate and clear my brain to open to creativity. I will then sit with a question like “Where in my past have I been most lit up, what was I doing, who was I being, who was there to watch/ignite my fire”?

I also will then talk to others whom I know will challenge me and co-create with me. And last, I ask for accountability. 

Clear Results Explained

When you bring awareness to, and uplevel your journey, you will see results in terms of both your inner peace and your outer being.

Yesterday I had a conversation with a couple of people about if we died tomorrow, how would we feel? People in the conversation who were aligned with their journey were perfectly at peace with it and made comments like “I wouldn’t have a single regret”. In fact, someone who was only just recently rethinking their journey and had recently taken a few steps toward a different career path was feeling as complete as he could be in his life journey in that moment.

That’s what it is like when you are stepping into your unknown. It doesn’t matter if you know the path, if you are 100% on point, or complete , what matters is that you are aware and you are committed to taking those steps forward whether you know where they go or not.


  1. Make it a daily (or weekly) habit to carve out time to sit down and reflect on what happened during the day (or week) and how those experiences and actions align with your life journey, with your own heroes journey.

  2. Write down your thoughts or draw them. Which situations/experiences/people/actions ignited you? Which pulled you down? 

  3. Make a personal commitment to step into the unknown where you feel there is potential for growth.

  4. Act upon this commitment.