Unlock Your 5-Dimensional Self Through Real Personal Commitment

What are you committed to? No. What is your real commitment, the one underneath that you aren’t aware of? You are committed to something unconsciously. 

So many people are blocked from achieving because they may think they are unmotivated or just too tired to go to the gym, eat healthily, or do that extra work needed for their next promotion at work. The truth is that we all have underlying commitments that we are unaware of that are keeping us from realizing our full potential and living as our 5 Dimensional Selves. 

In this post, we are going to dig those commitments up, let them go, and get to what you are truly committed to.

What You Say… And Think Matters

What you think you are committed to matters. If you say, I want to lose the five pounds I gained on our last vacation, you lose sight of what you are really committed to. 

Your real underlying commitment is something like “feeling and looking as fit as I can and having the confidence to rock that swimsuit I bought for our next trip”. 

We do this ALL THE TIME. We lose sight of our real commitment.

We think we are committed to one thing when really there is some commitment underneath and the two commitments may even be clashing against one another. 

For example, you may be committed to working hard to get to that next rung on the corporate ladder or in your business. But WHY are you doing that?

Because your underlying commitment is to have more freedom, more time with your kids or your partner?!  Yet, you currently spend so much time working that you are spending less time at home! Do you see those commitments are clashing and may be working against you achieving your goal?

The Key to Commitment: A Shovel

The key to commitment is a big shovel. And you are challenged to dig. Dig underneath what you think you are committed to. 

Don’t just go with the old baloney stories.  ANYTIME you have some kind of reason or justification, just be transparent with yourself: “I’m making this up to hide from my commitment, I’m more committed to my story”

My friend Martin Perrier, an ultra-marathon runner, magic wielder, wizard, and coach of elite athletes shared just such a story with me.  He was talking to a friend who said she wasn’t able to stop smoking because she felt unmotivated, tired, etc. 

He stopped her dead in her tracks “what you lack is not motivation but commitment.”

When she seemed perplexed, he elaborated and said “if I told you that between now and the end of the year if you had a cigarette, I am going to take your new puppy away, would you smoke?”  She was shocked and exclaimed “Of course not!”  Martin responded, “so you see it is not motivation but commitment you lack.” 

In this story, the smoker is more committed to her habit of smoking than of not smoking. Yet, she is more committed to keeping her puppy than she is smoking. 

This story blew me away. If someone said they were going to take your child or something else dear to you, there is no way you would continue with your old commitment. You are absolutely clear on your commitment to your child. 

You must find what your real commitments are binding you to.  In other words, where do you use that key?

How Do You Find The Door to 5-Dimensional You?

This works the opposite way as well. When you are 100% committed to your True Self, you will rule. 

When you get clarity on what you are committed to underneath, you can align yourself to that commitment. And tether yourself to it to ensure that even if a tsunami rolls in, you will not budge. 

A while back, I got clear that I was more committed to being a victim with one person in my life. Weirdly, I felt like it kept me safe if I could make them wrong in my mind. This definitely conflicts with every other commitment I’ve ever shared with you and was not aligned with my personal internal commitment of being love with all living beings. 

I am now clear - I am committing to myself, to my own 5-Dimensional Reality, Bliss Consciousness, or whatever name we give it.  (And that does not include any identification with Victim.) 

And I am taking steps to get into alignment with that. More on these steps soon.  

For now, for you…

Get to the commitment under the commitment. 

You must challenge yourself!


Pick anything that you have a grievance about or a goal that you have not attained. 

Ask yourself what you are really committed to underneath. Write down what comes up.

Now, pause and take a breath and ask again.

Write down what you are really committed to and align to that deeper commitment.