The Power of Self-Acknowledgment: Celebrating Moments of Presence

Ever find yourself wondering why you're not feeling better despite all the personal growth work you've done? Trust me, you're not alone. It's something that pops up often in a consciousness group I lead and with my clients. We often put this pressure on ourselves to be perfect, never reactive or frustrated. But guess what? We're human, and perfection is an impossible standard. So, let's take a moment to flip the script.

Embracing Your Progress

Let's be real. We tend to focus so much on what needs fixing that we forget to give ourselves credit for the progress we've made. As someone who works with clients, I make it a point to slow them down and truly acknowledge the work they've put in. When they start beating themselves up for not evolving fast enough, I remind them of the times they've been present, kind, and aware. It's important to celebrate those moments because they open the doors to even more presence, consciousness, and growth.

Breaking the Frustration Cycle

Ever get frustrated with yourself for losing that state of presence? We've all been there. But here's the thing: getting mad at ourselves only takes us further away from what we desire. Self-judgment and criticism aren't helping anyone. Instead, take a breath, slow down, and ask yourself, "When have I been present? Where was I present?" By celebrating those small moments of presence, we create an environment that supports our growth and awakening.

Letting You in on a Secret

I used to beat myself up (and still sometimes do). I had probably thousands of hours of self-development, leadership, spiritual, and personal development work and still, at times I felt triggered, bothered, upset, and frustrated. 

I went into that space of mind and asked myself what’s wrong with me? Why am I not more spiritual? Why are these feelings coming up?

In my mind, I would make it mean that I haven’t done enough work and that I haven’t evolved or made enough progress but none of that was true. It was just a story that my mind made up. It was just the programming, the preconditioning. 

And so, what matters here is that we notice that we’re aware of it. With that awareness, we’re closing the spiritual gap, the gap on the rising of our consciousness. 

So, if you are aware, if you are feeling frustrated, stop and celebrate it. Because when you notice your frustration, you are actually present in that one moment. And honoring one moment of being present means that the gap is closing and your consciousness is rising. Once you are at peace with what happens next, the self-questioning dissipates and you just notice the moment that you are aware. Maybe not 100%, but for now that is fine. 

I can tell you that today I question negative emotions when they arise. I welcome them and I become at peace and one with them. When you become ok with those emotions and the reactions to those emotions, and you recognize that it’s a celebration to be aware of them, the gap itself begins to close. 

Consciousness will rise even further, and those feelings will dissipate.

Give Your Consciousness a High-Five

Just as blowing air into a balloon fills it with life, giving our consciousness something to celebrate infuses our being with vitality and expansion. Rather than fixating on what is lacking, we can redirect our attention and catch ourselves doing something right. To recognize and celebrate the instances when we are present, kind, and still. 

The Transformation of Self-Acknowledgment

Imagine a world where everyone took a moment to become aware of their feelings and appreciate themselves for who they truly are. Sounds amazing, doesn't it? Well, it's possible! When we genuinely recognize and celebrate our moments of presence and awareness, we create a ripple effect. We not only amplify those positive qualities within ourselves but also inspire others to do the same. Self-acknowledgment reinforces positive patterns, fostering self-acceptance and love.

Your Challenge

You've come a long way on your journey of personal growth and self-discovery. So, let's celebrate it! 

Instead of getting caught up in frustration or self-judgment, become aware of those feelings and shift your focus to those moments when you're rocking it—when you're present, kind, and aware. Give yourself credit, my friend!

Make a list of the progress you have made so far. When you get frustrated or question where you are at, re-read this list again and again. See what shifts inside of you when you practice this.

By embracing your progress and practicing self-acknowledgment, you're fueling your consciousness with positivity and setting the stage for profound transformation. 

You've got this!