Unveiling the Marvels of Simple Awareness

Last week in the smoky mountains I had a powerful experience I wanted to share with you. In the past, I often reflected and sometimes railed against the world wondering why seemingly bad things happen. Or even just things that were annoying or irritating and felt like they just didn’t go my way. Has that ever happened to you?  Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe, just maybe the stars are aligned against you?

I wanted to share this aha with you because in some ways it feels like a secret. Now, maybe you already know this secret, like I thought my brain knew it before. But I experienced it in such a deep and powerful way that I feel forever changed. 

And this blog post will take you to an experiential place with me so you too can shift your way of interfacing with the world and the universe. So read this as if it were you.

Looking for a Black Bear and Finding Yo-Yo Ma

Every single decision, every thought, every reaction leads us to exactly where we need to be in that very moment. A long time ago, I heard a teacher say these words, but it wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I felt in every cell of my being and as a result, shifting the fabric of my existence. 

Deep in the heart of the smoky mountains, I woke up one morning and did my daily ritual of reading, meditation, and journaling. Though I was peaceful, there was also a sense of restlessness and I became curious. 

I had decided to leave my current campground spot and travel to Cades Cove because today was Wednesday and on Wednesday they didn’t allow cars in Smoky Mountain National Park at Cades Cove.  I was excited to take out my electric bike because this was the reason I bought it, to drive in it while on trips with the RV. And a “no car” day was the perfect opportunity. 

I also longed to see a black bear. The front desk clerk had said that Cades Cove is where we needed to be in order to see one. But we needed to arrive very early in order to do so. 

I was watching my restlessness with curiosity, uncertain where it originated. Originally I had wanted to get there early but timelines didn’t seem to matter in the mountains - it had been a peaceful trip so far, with very little thought and feelings of “doing”. Long, secluded walks in the national forest and just sitting in stillness in the campground in the incredibly clear mountain air. 

Yet, this morning, some part of me wanted to get to Cades Cove and there was the sense that I was “behind schedule” and the experience of a black bear sighting was not going to be in the cards for me. 

It got later and later that morning in the packing up and deciding which route to take on the winding roads in the RV.

Each little thing that happened, each little choice built on top of one another. And while a part of me was thinking I was running behind, I became aware of a feeling building but unsure of what exactly it was. 

It felt like I was following, or that I was being guided in some way. Though in that moment, it was not yet clear to me what was happening. But I suddenly just surrendered to the fact that we were not going to see a black bear. I just let go of my attachment to my agenda. And I surrendered to simple awareness: being aware of myself and of feeling guided.

That’s when right it happened. Driving the RV down into a ravine in a relatively inhabited area, a large creature lumbered across the street directly in front of the RV. I couldn’t believe my eyes for a moment, it felt surreal. I thought it was a giant dog for a moment, but no, it was a shiny muscled black bear. I was in awe and could only just sit and stare long after it had crossed the street and run off into the treeline.

There was a sense of “wow” that I was meant to be right there, at that very moment. But little did I know that this was to be just the first of magical moments that day.

We proceeded to our destination and arrived at Cades Cove only to realize that because cars weren’t allowed on the 11-mile trail loop, they were all left just outside the park so the parking lots were full. No parking, especially not for an RV. We spent perhaps thirty minutes looking for a spot and finally were given permission to park where the horse trailers park. Again, my mind was vaguely aware of and somewhat bothered by yet another delay in this journey. And I just watched this with simple awareness.

Unloading the bikes and I finally got near the entrance to the park where I posed for a photo app. Just as we were getting back on the road for the 11-mile loop to finally start this experience, we were asked to scoot off the road and move to the side to allow a car to pass.

What, a car? I thought cars weren’t allowed into the park today!? My irritation wanted to have a field day and though I reined it in, the way the car slowly proceeded downhill in the middle of the road stopped us from descending as well.

At this point, I just completely let go and looked around at the beautiful skyline. In my surrendered state, I took in the beauty and majesty all around, only vaguely aware of the car stopped in the middle of the 11-mile loop and people getting out.

Meanwhile, who had emerged from the vehicle but a man and his entourage. He began shaking people’s hands and taking photos with them. I had no idea until people started whispering that Yo-Yo Ma was here and he was randomly doing an impromptu concert with whomever was in the park, in this spot, at this very moment.

They got his cello out of the vehicle and as he leaned back on a bicycle to brace himself, he began to play. Now, I have never heard Yo-Yo Ma play that I can recall. I knew his name but honestly would not have been able to pick him out of a lineup. But I will never forget what I felt the moment his music filled that little valley.

Backdropped by the smoky mountains, his music filled that valley and created what can only be described as magic. Emotion arose within me and it was nothing less than a spiritual transformation. For fifteen minutes this man played such sweet music that it filled my heart with joy. The joy of a thousand journeys. And the realization that every moment on this journey matters.

If any one thing had gone differently that morning, including pausing to witness my irritation or not pausing after seeing the bear to absorb it, I would have missed it. I would not have been there to be a part of the magic. Dragging my heels getting out of the campground, stopping for gas when we really didn’t need to do so. 

If every single moment, each pause had me in each location at precisely the right moment. 

How often do you sit in judgment that what is happening isn’t the right thing, it isn’t the thing you want or need or you are just waiting for the next moment?

Listen, every single moment is the right moment. The key is to be in simple awareness of this. And when you do this, you allow the music and magic of your life to simply come to you.

How to Be in Simple Awareness - Your Challenge

Stop and be aware of your choices. Every single one. 

Give yourself grace that whatever is happening right now, at this very moment reading this is necessary for you to be exactly where you are “supposed to be”. 

Bring simple awareness and notice the magic that springs up every day in seemingly benign places when we do this!