Physical Wellbeing and Awakening - Week #51 of The Awakening Journey

Do you ever feel tired, unmotivated, fatigued, or just exhausted in your body to the point you just want to lie down? So many of our daily stressors impact not only our spiritual and leadership ascension but also wear out our bodies and impact our physical wellbeing.

In this article, we are going to talk about how to shift your focus to your physical body to gain energy, and use your body to support and expand your awakening journey to really attain that higher state of consciousness that we’ve been talking about. 

Main Focus Points of Your Physical Body:

1. Fuel

Think of what we ingest, our diet, as fuel for the system that makes up our physical body. It runs just like gasoline runs a vehicle. The fuel we put in our bodies has an incredible impact on how our lives and our awakening journeys unfold.

Giving our bodies the necessary nutrients is one part of the cycle that is running our physical bodies, and healthy digestion is the other.  

We have moved away from our natural way of eating and moved to processed foods, preservatives, toxins, overconsumption of sugar, caffeine, salt, excessive eating, and drinking. 

A number of years ago, I read an article by National Geographic that shared that sugar is more addictive than cocaine! Increased sugar usage in our society has seen a rise in diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and chronic inflammation according to Harvard Health. 

2. Movement 

Our evolution has created incredible technological advances and connections across the globe. It has created unity in some ways (evidenced by solidarity during the COVID quarantine for example). 

Yet, advanced tech oftentimes means a more sedentary lifestyle where we are sitting still more than ever! Hunched over, energy in our body becomes unmoving and stagnant. 

Not only that, things we used to do (exercise, walking, playing, visiting parks, etc.) are now done indoors or on the computer. For example, at any moment, I can look up all the things and virtually visit a national park without ever moving from my chair. 

Utilize Your Misused Energy to Expand Your Consciousness

I cannot stress enough how movement and fuel impact the evolution of your body, your life, and your consciousness on this planet.  

When you take care of the physical aspect of your being, excess energy that is currently being utilized on crap (like your body struggling to cleanse itself of toxins) can now be spent on elevating your consciousness and rising to a greater level of being. 

This expands your consciousness. And from this place, you get what you want to achieve in life more peacefully and effectively.

This Week’s Challenge

Take Baby Steps. 

Choose one thing and focus on that this week. 

It could be simple like more movement during your workday.

Or, reducing your sugar intake by half. 

Check in and see how you feel at the end of the week.