Nature and Your Spiritual Journey - Week #31 of The Awakening Journey

In a world where technology rules, we spend more and more time looking at our phones, checking emails, and less time outdoors, connected with nature. 

Nowadays, we are able to work from anywhere. This provides flexibility to travel and allows us to enjoy life and that’s a great thing. BUT it also enables us to work over the weekend, evenings and even from our vacation locations.  

Where vacations and weekends used to be filled with experiences reconnecting us with nature, the constant connection to work and the voice of the world inhibit that re-alignment. 

There is a reason why billions of people travel on vacation to spots like the mountains, the beach, and islands…

Nature reminds us of what we truly are: Natural organic beings, made of the same elements that formed the universe and everything in it. Including nature, plants and other animals. 

My Story

When I grew up my parents would not say “come in when the streetlights come on” like other kids.  Because we didn’t have street lights.  Instead, they would say, “come in when it gets dark”. We lived remote and on a farm, so very close to nature. 

I will be forever grateful for the experiences of wandering barefoot, picking raspberries and climbing crab apple trees with my three siblings, running wild and making friends with the animals. 

It taught me so very much about the natural order of the universe and how we, as humans fit in when we are aligned with this.

As a child, living in harmony with nature, I felt a peaceful, quiet calm that embraced everything and that resonated inside my body as the natural way of being. 

Do you remember what nature does for you?

There are no problems in nature

If you sit quietly in nature and you observe, you will begin to see there are no problems in nature, only balance and harmony. 

If the tree is dying, it does so quietly and without fuss. It decomposes and the other animals, insects and the like, just support it in changing form.  

If an animal is ushered from this world by another, there isn’t a mental commentary on any side by “how bad this is” or how “it should be a different way”.

When we disconnect from nature and our inherent way of being, humans create an imbalance in the world and this greatly impacts our inner and outer peace and all that is happening on this planet.

Current generations are missing this alignment

As we evolve and tech evolves us, we move further and further away from our inherent wild nature. We sit in our homes, disconnected from the truth of who we are, chasing shiny objects often on these little machines. 

Sometimes in inertia; often building energy in the form of anxiety and mental chatter of past or future. 

We are not designed to be this way, isolated from all the rest of life. There is a toll that this isolation from natural life is taking on humanity as a whole. 

“Unlike television [and phones/computers], nature does not steal time; it amplifies it.”

Richard Louv - “Last Child in the Woods”

How does nature fit into your spiritual journey, and how does it resolve your problems?

Nature is the most efficient, accessible way to bring us back to the present. To realign with the bigger arc of our journey on this planet.  

Do you want to live & fulfill that biggest arc of your journey?

Do you want to leverage your impact exponentially?

Do you want to be at peace, have your goals achieved effortlessly but aren’t sure how?

Turn to nature, the journey starts there.

Your challenge

  1. Go and sit outside somewhere, in a park or in your backyard. Just be and observe for 30 minutes. Breathe. If you are unable to do this, find a plant or a flower & just sit still and watch it without mental commentary. 

  2. As you are planning your travel for this summer or even a stay-cation, intend to bring yourself in alignment with nature. Make nature your primary focus. Ways you can do that are: planning to be barefoot, turn off your phone, sit and stare at the waves, a tree or a bird. 

Next, we will talk about Listening, in the meanwhile remember the present moment is where your best life happens.

With love, presence and gratitude,
