Let Go And Let It Flow - Play in The River of Life

Have you ever found yourself holding on too tightly to something, whether it's a goal, an expectation, or even a person? In this blog post, we explore the power of letting go and how it can open you up to new possibilities, opportunities, and experiences. Drawing on a recent spiritual reading and messy personal experience, we discuss the physical and emotional changes that occur when we let go and embrace the flow of life. Join me as we discover how letting go can lead to positive outcomes!

Letting Go vs Holding On

During my morning meditation, I had a realization prompted by a recent spiritual reading. It was a visual about what happens when we hold onto something too tightly. Our face bunches up, our fists clench, and we become tense, closed off, and unable to receive.

On the other hand, when we let go, our body changes completely. We stand straighter, with our hands and chest open, and our hearts ready to receive. We become connected to the natural cycles of giving and receiving, and we are in the flow of life. 

It's like being in a river that leads to the ocean, and although the river doesn't worry about when it will get there, it enjoys every moment along the way.

The Messy Part

During a recent weekend camping trip, I arrived at my destination (a beautiful site next to a river) excited and eager to get everything set up. I held onto the idea that everything needed to be done quickly and efficiently.

However, when I stopped and checked in with myself, I realized that I needed to just be still. But it made more sense to just unpack and get everything organized.  

Instead of letting go and allowing myself to fall into the river, I held on too tightly and I ended up literally falling into the river in a very unpleasant way: 

Halfway into the dark brown muddy gross river. But it was even worse than that. I didn’t realize until later that the branch I was holding on to avoid falling was poison oak!

The poison from holding on too tightly, too long. If only I had just let go and allowed myself to fall into the river. 

Holding on too long

We might be holding onto things like money, social media likes, attention from others, or even an idea of who we want someone else to be. Holding on too tightly can create poison and toxins in our bodies.

In my work as a coach, I've seen many clients struggle with letting go of an old identity or way of being and embracing the new. Here is why…

Letting go is scary, but it's also liberating! 

I know, I did not want to let go of that darn “foliage” aka poison oak that seemed to be keeping me from getting dirty in the river. But when I did I laughed, alone, standing in the river. I found the humor and fun in the situation. And miraculously, the rest of the trip was filled with insight, wonder, and joy. 

Now I am working at finding the humor in being covered in poison oak. No one said it is easy, but this is the game of life. 

When we let go and play in the river, we open ourselves up to the flow of life. We find that the things we wanted most come naturally and organically. It might not be easy, but finding humor and fun in those situations is the game of life.

How can you bring play into every situation?

If you are playing you cannot LOSE. Because as long as you are playing in the river, being the river, you win. When you let go, you open to playing, when you are playing, you receive. The key to getting what you want in life is to let go and float in the river. 

Play in the waters of fun, abundance and prosperity!

Your Challenge

  1. Sit down and get present. Think about your poison oak branch - the one toxic thing that you are holding on to. Maybe it’s an unfulfilling job? A fight with someone? A mistake you think you made as a parent? Pick just one.

  2. Now close your eyes and visualize yourself living a life without this attachment - letting go of the branch and falling into the flow of the river of life. Maybe you have a new job, that excites you. Or you have let go of that grudge and formed new connections. Or you have a wonderful carefree time with your kids. 

  3. On a piece of paper write down how this made you feel. What does this enable you to do. What are you open to receiving next?