Overcoming The Narcissist in Your Head

Ever met your Inner Narcissist? It loves to tango with the world, affecting your relationships and experiences. Think of it as a hidden power player, shaping our interactions and holding us back from genuine happiness. But here's the silver lining: By understanding and embracing it, we can unlock the door to self-discovery and growth. Join me in this blog post as we unravel the mystery of your Inner Narcissist, a journey to empowerment and a more fulfilling life.

The Illusion 

Our societal conditioning often steers us toward a common narrative: Identifying problems in the external world and seeking solutions outside of ourselves. 

Here are a few examples:

  1. You are not getting the promotion you worked so hard for - you blame it on the boss who doesn’t recognize your potential and his lacking vision. The Solution: You enter into a heated discussion with the boss, resulting in even fewer chances for a promotion.

  2. You are upset because your partner is hiding their feelings - you blame it on their inability to be open and honest with you. The Solution: You “punish” your partner by closing yourself off and creating even more distance.

  3. Your grown-up children live a life disconnected from you - you blame it on their selfishness and lack of gratitude. The Solution: You call them out on their “shortcomings” and make them feel guilty, driving an even deeper wedge in the relationship.

Our inner narcissist makes us believe that once we “solve” these issues with external solutions, we will find happiness, joy, and freedom. However, this approach locks us in a cycle of belief that our peace comes from outside of us and this further locks us into our victimization. We become trapped in a maze where the exit constantly eludes us because the solution is not out there but within ourselves.

The Mirror Effect: Projection and Reflection

Projection, the tendency to attribute our own traits, feelings, and faults to others, serves as a double-edged sword. On one hand, it deflects our inner issues away (projection), allowing us to maintain a facade. On the other hand, it reflects our hidden flaws back at us. This mirror concept is a powerful tool. It forces us to confront the aspects of ourselves we'd rather keep hidden, compelling us to embark on an inner journey.

How to Break The Cycle

The solution lies in the simple yet transformative act of turning inward. Becoming aware of when we are projection onto others and facing our inner mirror, acknowledging our flaws, and accepting our toxicity is the first step toward overcoming the narcissist in our heads. The power of this self-awareness cannot be overstated. It is the catalyst that sets in motion the process of healing and personal transformation. It is not about shattering the mirror, but about looking at it, acknowledging what we see, and continuing to pivot toward it, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.

Conflict and Drama: Reflection of Inner Turmoil

Have you ever noticed how conflicts and drama in the external world seem to echo the battles within us? The truth is, the turmoil we experience inside manifests itself in our interactions with the world. Every argument, every disagreement, and every negative encounter is, in some way, a reflection of our unresolved inner conflicts. Understanding this connection provides a unique opportunity for self-reflection. It prompts us to question the origin of these conflicts and to look within for solutions.


By focusing on the one thing we can change – ourselves – we have the power to reshape the world around us.

The Inner Narcissist is a character we may all encounter. It is the shadow side of our being, the echo of our insecurities, fears and traumas. However, it is also a powerful catalyst for transformation. By acknowledging its existence, by looking into our inner mirror, we can change everything. 

As you pivot toward your inner mirror, you pave the way for a brighter, more harmonious existence. Happiness, joy, and freedom cease to be elusive goals; instead, they become natural outcomes of your inner transformation. 

Embrace the power of self-reflection, and watch as your world transforms, reflecting the peace and contentment you have found within!