Breaking Through The Illusion of Separation

Has the world around you ever felt disconnected and isolated from your individual self? This illusion of separation or division can leave us feeling stuck and disconnected from our purpose and from our 5D self. It can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to define who we are. We all have the power to break through this illusion and actively work towards a more connected existence with our environment. We have the capacity to experience oneness. 

If you're looking for ways to do this, then read on! In this week's blog post, we'll discuss how we can better understand and overcome the illusion of separation in order to create a deeper connection with ourselves and others.

What Exactly is The Illusion of Separation?

The concept of the "illusion of separation" is a fundamental principle in many spiritual traditions. It refers to the belief that despite appearances, all beings and things are interconnected and fundamentally one. This belief can be a powerful catalyst for spiritual awakening, as it challenges our ego-driven sense of separation and encourages us to see beyond the boundaries of the individual self.

One way to understand the illusion of separation is to consider the concept of interdependence. Everything in the universe depends on everything else for its existence. The air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, and the very ground we stand on are all part of an interconnected web of life. When we begin to understand this interdependence, it becomes clear that we are not separate from the world around us. We are a part of it, and everything we do has an impact on the whole.

The Illusion of Separation and Relationships

The illusion of separation also extends to our relationships with other people. We often see ourselves as separate from others, and this can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. But when we recognize the interconnectedness of all beings, it becomes easier to see others as extensions of ourselves. This shift in perspective can foster greater compassion and understanding, as we recognize that we are all in this together.

The Illusion of Separation and Consciousness

The illusion of separation can also be understood in terms of consciousness. Many spiritual traditions teach that consciousness is not confined to the individual self, but rather is a universal force that pervades all of creation. This belief suggests that we are all part of a larger, interconnected consciousness and that our individual selves are merely a small part of this greater whole.

Benefits of Breaking Through The Illusion of Separation

Breaking through the illusion of separation can be a transformative experience. It can lead to a sense of oneness with all of creation and can foster a deep sense of connection and belonging. It can also inspire a greater sense of purpose and meaning, as we recognize that our actions have an impact on the larger whole.

I had the privilege of attending a retreat with Eckhart Tolle last year and for the first time in 20 years of attending his talks had a question arise during the Q&A. 

As I stepped up to the microphone, I felt a slowing down of time and space, almost as if I were walking through molasses but much more fluid and flexible. 

I honestly wasn’t sure what I was going to say, only that I felt compelled to ask something…

The words that came out of my mouth were not as important as what transpired when I stood there at the microphone for almost fifteen minutes, essentially being coached by Eckhart Tolle, one of the most impactful spiritual leaders of our time. 

I felt like a tractor beam of light connected he and I. And a byproduct of that was I could feel the whole audience drawn into our energy field. There really isn’t any other way to put it, I felt one with Eckhart Tolle and later, someone commented to me, “I could see he felt the being (oneness with) in you. It was very powerful, I felt the energy”.

The answers to my questions regarding life, parenting and what else I need to “do” no longer mattered. What matters is this: recreate this tractor beam of life and see the oneness in myself and others. When I do, all illusion of separation disappears and with it, the problems that come with it (3D Reality).

How to Break Through This and Experience Oneness?

Breaking through the illusion of separation and experiencing oneness is a process that takes time, dedication, and commitment. Or, it can happen in a moment, in just one instant. Don’t build up a story about how you have to be in meditation for years or sit quietly for hours on end. 

Sometimes, as with Eckhart, it can happen with a powerful experience in one night, or for me, oneness was realized while reading The Power of Now. For you, it could be while looking at a sunrise, a flower, or during a moment with your newborn baby.

And, you can also begin by cultivating an awareness of our interconnectedness with all beings and things. We can do this by practicing mindfulness meditation, engaging in mindful self-reflection, and reflecting on our interdependence with the world around us.

Once we have a better understanding of our interconnectedness, we can begin to break down the illusion of separation by cultivating compassion and kindness towards ourselves and others. This can be done through acts of self-care, such as taking care of our physical and mental health, as well as through acts of service to others or the environment.

The Takeaway

Ultimately, the illusion of separation is just that - an illusion. By recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings and things, we can awaken a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. This understanding can bring us closer to the divine and help us to live more fully and authentically.

Your Practice

  1. Read a spiritual book - A New Earth, The Untethered Soul, The Four Agreements, Autobiography of a Yogi

  2. Watch a YouTube Video or Listen to a podcast about Oneness 

  3. Simply sit in stillness and reflect on the Oneness of all things