Don't Fight Your Ego - Acknowledging It Can Lead to Deeper Awakening

Embrace your ego

Last year I had a situation with someone close to me where I was lied to and felt betrayed. I chose forgiveness. Because the truth is that this person was just being who they are on their own spiritual journey. It wasn’t easy but I have been practicing. Recently during a very deep and wonderful meditation, vivid images of the way that this person betrayed me and how hurt I was at the time came back in a real and visceral way. I’m sure you can relate. For a moment I sat there, stunned. How could I be in this deeply spiritual place and have these horrible images arising in my mind? 

I started to blame my ego. “It’s just trying to derail me from my truth, from ascending during this meditation.” I sat with that thought for a moment and just accepted. I sat in stillness and let the feelings wash over me. The hurt, anger, and perhaps a bit of shame (i.e. how could I continue to allow this person in my life when they did x?) 

At that moment something came over me and I let go and embraced my own inner light. I stopped the storyline and thinking and just opened to what wisdom the universe had to bestow upon me. The image that came next was a bit challenging to explain but I will say this: it looked like layered one on top of the other was the ego and source. Gradients of the same thing: Light. 

Ego and Source are one! 

Ego IS Source. They aren’t two sides of the same coin. They aren’t even a coin. They are the one thing. The only thing. From where I come and where I will return. I know, for the longest time I tried to make my ego wrong and bad. Because it made me do terrible things.

The only real lie is the illusion of separation. 

The ego is the source, is bliss consciousness. 

He/She/It (source) was just testing/challenging me to see if I am done playing this game of allowing the idea of time (my past) to hold me back from true 5D Reality. I felt moved to a different dimension. Pure raw emotion overcame me and I let it bathe me I sat accepting it as the natural state of a human – being. 

What does that mean for your life?

When faced with difficult situations, it's imperative to avoid disregarding your ego. Rather, take a moment to intentionally integrate your ego into your decisions. As a creator of your own life, it's crucial to embrace your role and choose the path that aligns with your values. Instead of demonizing your ego, recognize its importance in your journey. 

Whenever your ego becomes involved, view it as an opportunity to level up on your 5D awakening journey. Utilize this experience to advance on your journey of self-awareness and enhance your ability to handle challenging situations with grace.


The very next time you feel your “ego” come up - which is any situation where you are feeling reactive, triggered, or just not as a Creator in your own life - ask yourself this: what might my Higher Self be trying to tell me that is speaking through my ego?

What message or lesson might be here that I can only hear through the lens of the seemingly negative ego?