Welcome to our exclusive community for conscious, creative, successful, and aspiring coaches.

A vibrant and supportive network designed to help you thrive. Whether you're a life, transformational, mindset, relationship, spiritual, business, leadership, or career coach, this group is your gateway to growth, connection, and professional development. Join us to share insights, gain new perspectives, and take your coaching practice to new heights.

Our group is here to help you navigate and overcome these common obstacles:


Do You Feel Isolated?

Coaching can be a solitary profession. Without a supportive community, you may feel lonely and miss the camaraderie that comes from interacting with peers who understand your challenges.

Do You Experience Stagnation and Burnout?

Even the most passionate coaches can face periods of stagnation or burnout. Finding fresh ideas and staying motivated can be tough without external inspiration and accountability.

Are You Missing Networking Opportunities?

Expanding your professional network is crucial for growth, but finding meaningful connections can be challenging. Networking events and platforms often lack the depth needed for building genuine relationships.

Do You Need More Accountability?

Without regular check-ins and support, it’s easy to lose track of your goals. Accountability partners can help you stay focused and committed to your personal and professional development.

Do You Struggle with Expanding Your Client Base?

Attracting and retaining clients is a significant concern for many coaches. You need effective strategies and insights to grow your practice and maintain a steady flow of clients.

Are You Unsure About How to Raise Your Game?

You're not alone in this. The sense of isolation, questioning your capabilities, and the disappointment of stagnant progress can be immobilizing. However, it doesn't have to be like this. You merit a network of support, tried-and-tested strategies, and a community that comprehends and backs your path.


We're all encountering identical challenges, experiencing comparable highs and lows, yet we have the opportunity to unite and bolster each other along the way.

Join our group to tackle these challenges and transform your coaching practice. Together, we create a nurturing environment to grow, innovate, and succeed.

Use coupon code HIGHFIVE80 to get $80 off your membership for life as long as you don't cancel!

Cancellations will cause you to go back to regular price. 


What You Can Expect

  • Coaching Content: Access to exclusive materials that will enrich your coaching practice.

  • Support: Get the backing you need from fellow coaches and Darla Beam, an experienced, Certified Professional Coach.

  • Community: Be part of a network of conscious, creative, and successful coaches.

  • Networking: Expand your professional connections.

  • Accountability: Stay on track with your goals with the help of your peers.

  • Coaching: Receive guidance from me and learn from each other.


What you get in the HighFive Coaches Network

The monthly membership of $49* includes:

  • Access to networking events twice a month, with opportunities to get support, and build meaningful connections and partnerships.

  • Entry to exclusive niche-specific breakout rooms, allowing you to engage with coaches who share your goals and challenges.

  • Expert coaching and resources on various topics relevant to your growth.

  • Ongoing support and community interaction to keep you motivated and on track.

    Are you a coach looking to enhance your skills, find support, and grow your practice? Join our dynamic community designed for coaches like you.

    *$129 after July 1st 2024.


 More About Darla Beam


Darla Beam is a Certified CoActive and Professional Coach renowned for her exceptional ability to guide individuals toward the next level of their personal and professional journeys. With a bold decision in 2010 to transition from her corporate career into coaching, Darla founded DB Leadership and Coaching, a successful coaching business dedicated to empowering others to unlock their full potential.

Since then, Darla has impacted countless lives globally through her transformative workshops, masterminds, speaking engagements, and 1:1 coaching. Her extensive experience spans diverse demographics, from business owners, entrepreneurs, and executives to spiritual seekers, coaches, and parents.

Drawing from her rich background in corporate America and honed coaching expertise, Darla employs a unique blend of tactical proficiency, empathy, intuition, and acceptance to facilitate profound breakthroughs.

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By joining The HighFive Coaches Network you will experience:

  • Growth: Experience both personal and professional development.

  • Creativity: Spark new ideas and approaches in your coaching practice.

  • Ideation: Collaborate on new concepts and strategies.

  • Camaraderie: Build lasting relationships with other coaches.

  • Co-Creation: Work together to create valuable solutions to shared challenges.

  • Motivation: Stay inspired and motivated to achieve your goals.

  • Learning: Continuously learn from the experiences and insights of others.

All this in a conscious way with accountability and a support system!

Why Join Us?

Our group is more than just a community—it's a thriving ecosystem where you can grow and thrive as a coach. Whether you're looking to refine your skills or simply need support, this is the place for you.



Join now to take advantage of our special launch discount and become a founding member of our coaching community.


Launch Discount: $80 off per month - use coupon code HIGHFIVE80

Discounted Price: Only $49 per month (sign up before July 1st)

Regular Monthly Cost: $129 after July 1st

Secure your place now!

For any questions feel free to contact us at darlabeam@icloud.com.