How to Harness Universal Energy to Boost Manifestation - Week #39 of The Awakening Journey

Universal Energy is a term that has been defined and redefined countless times in a multitude of books, movies and academic papers. The most common understanding is one of infinite force. But what many people don't realize is just how much energy we ourselves can create, use and work with.

By identifying just how much universal energy we can tap into at any given moment, we can harness its power to be the catalyst to living the life we truly want.

What is Universal Energy?

You may have learned about matter but less has been taught about energy. Beyond matter is energy and all matter is made up of energy.

Universal Energy is the unchanging and deep-rooted concept that resonates with us. This concept is expressed in different ways through harmony, nurture, protection, self-expression, mastery, indulgence, and many more. 

The Magic of Universal Energy

Animals are masters at utilizing the Earth’s energy. Studies have shown that elephants sense past events by using their trunks as they pick up on energy frequency. And birds migrate in mass groups through instant communication and a sense of absolute timing that is felt like ‘one mind’. 

By using the power of this energy animals have a greater sense, intuition, and knowledge that is linking them more closely to the planet, to each other, and to themselves.

As humans, we can also make use of the power and benefits of this free, accessible, and abundant Universal Energy. We just need to relearn how.

Universal Energy is Everywhere

Universal Energy is a timeless and unceasing power that exists all around us, always in motion. It never dies, it only changes form. It is present in a variety of different forms - natural and man-made. Humans, plants, animals and all living organisms produce and also need energy. 

Unlike many of the more artificial (man-made) creations of energy, our Universe harbors unyielding amounts of energy.

How to Use Universal Energy to Boost Manifestation

Experts in manifestation tell us that we receive what we send out, and everything you now know about universal energy helps to explain why. When you combine the understanding of universal energy with manifestation practices, you can become more powerful than ever at creating the life you want to lead.

How I Have Used Universal Energy & The Law of Attraction

I have so many examples, but here is one: Extracting myself from an unhealthy relationship in a peaceful and almost fulfilling way…all the way to drawing in a new healthy relationship.

How did I do it?

I got aligned with source (universal energy) through facing my fears and sitting with them during a retreat in nature, getting crystal clear clarity around what it is I want to co-create with Universal Source Energy. I believed and trusted so much that I behaved as if “it” has already happened and I took action as if I was that future person.

…And This is Your Challenge For This Week

1. Face your fears

2. Become clear about what it is that you want to co-create with Source/Universal Energy 

3. Believe and trust so much, act as if it has already happened 

4. Take action towards your goal by being the person you would be if this happened. Be that person now. I.e. Order your coffee tomorrow as if you are that person who has already accomplished the goal.

Next, we will talk about Consciousness through Community Service. Until then remember, the present moment is where your best life happens.

With love, presence and gratitude,
