The Right Teachings Come When We’re Read

Recently, a member of my Being Group that I host every Sunday asked for recommendations on transformative teachings. I suggested Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks. This book, which introduces the powerful messages of Abraham, a non-physical entity, helps readers learn how to manifest desires and embrace the joyful life they deserve.

What’s interesting is that when I first encountered this book 20 years ago, I had a strong aversion to it. I didn’t know why, but something about it just didn’t click. So many others loved the messages, but for me, it was a hard pass. Maybe it was the fact that it was channeled and that was just too out there for me at the time. Fast forward to today, and it deeply resonates with me. So much so that I now recommend it to others.

I could look back and think, “Why didn’t I get this sooner? What’s wrong with me?” But that’s missing the point. Life brings us the right teachings when we’re ready to receive them.

Sometimes, certain teachings or people don’t land at first, and that’s okay. What matters is what resonates with you at this moment. Not what you "should" have embraced years ago or what might work in the future.

The key is to practice, practice, practice—lean into what fuels and elevates you now, without forcing yourself into something that doesn’t align. Stay mindful about whether you're rejecting something out of a genuine lack of resonance or from a place of ego, wounded self, or discomfort. Remember that often, discomfort is where growth lies.

How do you know if a teaching or practice is truly working for you? When it leaves you feeling energized, uplifted, and aligned with a higher frequency. When it elevates your spirit, that’s when you commit to it fully.