Redefining The Word Doing - Experience at The Eckhart Tolle Retreat

When was the last time you stopped to truly consider the meaning of "doing"? For most of us, it's a familiar word woven into our daily lives. But what if the way we understand "doing" is holding us back? This question arose for me during the recent Eckhart Tolle retreat in California, and it sent me on a path to discover a whole new definition – one rooted in being. Join me as we explore how a shift in perspective can transform the way we approach action and purpose in our lives.

Spiritual Exercise at the Eckhart Tolle Retreat

At the ET retreat during lunch, I overheard some people, complaining and being grumpy because Eckhart is attracting more and more “mainstream” people. For context, at this retreat, there were a lot of young people or people who were new to the whole world of spiritual awakening. When I went 15-20 years ago there were only old people. This has shifted. Eckhart has shifted. The crowd this time felt so different and I think it’s a good thing. It shows that our society is ready to elevate their consciousness, no matter their age or background.

When those people started complaining during lunch I didn’t want to be around this situation. Like Eckhart says, you can either accept the situation, change the situation, or leave the situation. I chose to leave the situation. And in a way, this was a spiritual exercise. 

The goal with those kinds of situations is to learn from them. You slow down and be with it. Sometimes it means choosing yourself. Asking…

What is important? 

What am I being called to do? 

It’s about conscious choices. And this translates to all kinds of situations in our lives. It’s in every choice. 

Who do I want to be when I’m in alignment with my soul?

Emailing Eckhart?

At the end of the retreat, somebody asked Eckhart a question: What’s your advice on how we tend to shut away the elderly and death? How do we not address or look at it? After a lengthy comment, Eckhart said to the crowd: “If you have any ideas email me!” I found this very exciting because he opened up a channel for creation or dare I say for doing from a place of being.

As you may know, my ET group meets weekly and we have a very wide age range. Some folks are in their 50s or 60s and others are very young, I think the youngest is 17. 

At the ET retreat when the question was asked, I knew there was an opportunity to go to a deeper level of consciousness. When I mentioned the question to my group in our next meeting they were all so excited about it. Many ideas came up.

And then something dawned on me. I was already answering Eckhart’s call to action, not by emailing him but in my group.

Sometimes doing means recognizing that it’s already happening. I’m already connecting 17-year-olds with 60-year-olds. Creating connection and love.

All this led me to the question, What more can I do? How can I channel the connections that are already there into something greater? It shifted how I view doing, and how I view the world. And it reminded me of what they say about being grateful, that’s how you manifest. 

“What I think I seek, I already have.” - Unknown

What would happen if we redefine doing?

When we were toddlers we were just being, everything was just about having fun and enjoyment. I see it in my 2-year-old great-nephew. There is no strategizing or thinking “What am I going to do next?” He is just being and the doing is a natural unfoldment of that - of his being.

Once we grow out of the toddler stage, doing starts to imply that something is going to be achieved. We can check off a box, receive external validation, see what the accomplishment is, and internalize it as being enough. In my opinion, that’s a misdefinition of the word doing.

What if doing were just an outward manifestation a natural unfoldment of your beingness of your essence?

After the Eckhart Tolle retreat, I came up with this new definition:

Doing is the natural organic happening to come from a high vibrational frequency that looks like action. It feels differently. As it should be. As it is. Like the vibrating breathing entity of the universe. Doing is defined only as what is created from Being. We are the living breathing being embodiment unfolding through D-O-I-N-G impacting the collective consciousness as it should be. As it is. The isness.

Your challenge for this week: 

Come up with your definition of doing from a place of being. 

How would you redefine doing?

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