Minding The Gap Between Your Intent & Impact - Week #24 of The Awakening Journey

A few weeks ago, we talked about intention and intentionality and how they differ from goals. Folks really connected with this and so we wanted to bring in an incredibly important conversation: alignment of intent with impact.

When you are unaware of your impact, your intent can be so misaligned it can cause damage to relationships, business transactions, meetings,

When you align your leadership intent with your actual impact, you bring yourself and your life back into harmony. You own your part and give space to others to own theirs. 

A Leader’s Blind Spot

As human leaders, we all have areas for growth in our lives. Some we are aware of and some we are not. The areas we are not aware of are called our “blind spots.” 

And just like when driving down the road in our vehicle, we have to check our blind spot periodically on our journey or we can cause an accident or damage or harm to others on the road.

For example, you have an employee who isn’t performing. You speak to that person with the intent of clearing this up & call them forth. Later, you learn that your impact is bullying/detrimental to the relationship. This results in him shutting down and further lack of performance.

The “I”s that matter

Intent and Impact are the “I”s that matter. What does this mean?

Your Intent is something you were intending to do. 

Your Impact is actually what you created with your intent. 

Often these two things are not aligned. We just think they are. 

Minding the Gap

This isn’t about wrong making. It isn’t about shame or blame. It’s about aligning ourselves to the best versions of ourselves. And this minding the gap opens our awareness and awakens us further to our own spiritual leadership.

In London, if you ride the public transportation, the tube, I am told there is a gap between the ramp & the tube. And a sign that says “mind the gap”. 

It is about constantly and consistently minding the Gap for safety. As humans, we will probably never completely close that gap. And that’s okay. Just like on the tube, our work is to “mind the gap” and align our intent with our impact as much as we can as leaders.

That’s their Work

Some people may think “Well, that’s how Bob took what I said, so that is his problem”. 

No! You are a leader on your awakening journey. It is a leader's job to align their intent with their impact, not the other person’s.

Check your mirrors

So how can we be made aware of our impact?

Just like when you get in your vehicle to drive, you take a few moments to always check your rearview and side-view mirrors.

We check in. We notice. We are constantly aware of our impact. 

It’s not about being wrong or an apology.


How do I align intent & impact?

I check in. 

I notice. (awareness)

I listen. 

I alter my behavior. (do my work)

I check in again.

This Week’s Practice:

  1. Looking back:

    Check in with people around you regarding past conversations where you felt something was off. Ask: what was my impact in that past conversation. My intent was x but I’m noticing my impact might have been different. Can you share with me what it might have been?

  2. Looking at the Now:

    1. Notice when something is off

    2. Ask in real-time in ongoing conversations. My intent in this convo is X, what is my impact?

Next, we will talk about Activating The Dimensional Leadership Model, in the meanwhile remember the present moment is where your best life happens.

With love, presence and gratitude,
