Animals: Access Point to Your Future - Week #34 of The Awakening Journey

Why do millions of people have pets, or travel thousands of miles to observe wild animals? We do this because we want to be reminded of the wild parts of ourselves, of the natural way of being human. 

We’ve been talking about mindfulness practices that bring us to a deeper state of awareness, of awakening to our own leadership. And specifically, natural ways that support us in this deepening process. Animals are one aspect of that recipe.

Do you remember?

What I’m doing is reminding you of what you already know, yet may have forgotten. We all need reminders of what our path is and a pointer back in the right direction.

And, what I am also doing is challenging you to let go of the illusion that what is needed in our fast-paced world is more technology - I’m challenging you to incorporate nature - and animals - into your life.

Learning from Animals

People spend countless hours walking their dogs, snorkeling or diving, and on land safaris taking photos of wild animals.

Because animals are present. They aren’t using valuable energetic resources thinking about their past - what they ate yesterday or worrying about their future - what they might eat tomorrow. Instead, they are fully present in the now. They are fundamentally and always in the now.  

There is a reason for this. If they weren’t present, predators might strike & get them, right?

We would do well to emulate them. The only difference between us and these animals is our predators are often illusory: fear of what could happen. Our predator is the fear of fear itself. 

Yet, animals don’t have this. They remain in the present, yet still watchful, we might even say mindful of potential hazards. 

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Franklin D. Roosevelt 

Why are we talking about this?  

We are talking about this to remember your inherent natural way of being. We are talking about this to remind you that you have access to everything you need to be fully awakened and present to your leadership.

We are talking about this because you can go pet your dog in the present or just spend time watching that bird in nature or even an ant on the sidewalk and use that space to deepen your own journey. Or just walk on by. 

Access point to your future

Animals are an access point to the present and to your future self. When you slow down, observe and emulate animals, you will see a doorway to your potential. To a limitless future where you are not only being your authentic future self, you are also achieving your dreams. 

My story

There are so many times when my pets or animals in nature have supplied me with a doorway to presence and my own inner wisdom. Just the other day, I was at a decision point, and I sat outside in nature and observed some birds chirping. 

Their sounds were beautiful and just reminded me of the “songs” I have yet to sing to the world. This inspired me to pursue an endeavor that wasn’t even on my radar but that has me extremely excited, energized and enthusiastic in a way I would not have been otherwise had I not stopped to listen to those birds.

While on a recent retreat, I was uncertain which trail to take and out of nowhere, a butterfly came seemingly to indicate which direction to follow. When I didn’t follow, another appeared.  And finally, a third pointed me to my resting spot by the river. Once I was settled into what turned out to be the perfect location for my day that day, I didn’t see another butterfly.

This is what animals can do for us. 

This week’s challenge

Observe animals in your environment for 10 minutes every day.

Journal some of your aha’s - what do you notice about your pets and your own habits?

Share it with someone you know.

Next, we will talk about Pruning Your Spiritual Garden, in the meanwhile remember the present moment is where your best life happens.

With love, presence and gratitude,
